The Tour of The Wichitas page provides you with the official registration information, ride distances, etc.
Date: June 15, 2024
Event: Tour of The Wichitas
Route Distances: 17, 31, 54, 67 miles
About the Ride:
Welcome to the Tour of the Wichita’s 2024!
This year’s Tour of the Wichita’s will take place at 8:00 AM on Saturday, June 15th!
For 2024, the Friends of the Trail are excited to announce that the Tour of the Wichita’s will once again have access to the Wichita Wildlife Refuge and the Fort Sill U.S. Army Post as a part of its routes, however our routes, and starting location are quite a bit different than recent events. Routes can be found at:
NEW THIS YEAR! – All riders and adult guests must obtain a 30-day Visitor Pass to enter on to Fort Sill Post; Gate 2 will NOT be open, but you will be able to enter at any gate open at the time of the event and enjoy other recreational opportunities available on Fort Sill including LETRA, the golf course, the museums, and the facilities at the Patriot Club.
Visitor Passes may be obtained online at the following link:
(Passes are valid for 30-days so anytime after May 9th you can get your pass for the ride secured) Once you receive confirmation of your online pass, you will be able to enter Fort Sill at any open gate by showing your driver’s license. All adult passengers will also need an online pass. Once on post, you will immediately see why we love riding these routes; not only will you see the incredibly historic areas within Fort Sill, but you will also enjoy the beauty and terrain of the Wichita Mountains.
Event Fees (Includes a free T-shirt for first 400 registrants):
- Online (prior to June 13th at 5:00 PM): $35 Individual; $55 Tandem
- In Person Registration (after June 13th at 5:00 PM): $40 Individual; $60 Tandem
Pre-registration and Packet Pickup
- Friday, June 14, 2024, Noon – 7:00pm
- Fort Sill MWR Patriot Club
- 500 Upton Road, Fort Sill Army Post
On Site Registration and Packet Pick-up
- Saturday, June 15, 2024, 6:00am – 7:45am
- Fort Sill MWR Patriot Club
- 500 Upton Road, Fort Sill Army Post
Ride Start
- Saturday, June 15, 2024, 8:00am (No riders after 8:30 am)
- Fort Sill MWR Patriot Club
- 500 Upton Road, Fort Sill Army Post
- Parking is available on site.
King & Queen of the Mountain
- First male and female cyclists to make it to the top of Adam’s Hill (mile 43.5 mol) on the 67 mile ride will be crowned the King and Queen of the Mountain. Winners will be awarded $100. Spotters will be on site to mark the winners, but make sure they know who you are.
Once on post, you will immediately see why we love riding these routes; not only will you see the incredibly historic areas within Fort Sill, but you will also enjoy the beauty and terrain of the Wichita Mountains. The 17-mile and 31-mile routes will remain on post; while the 54-mile and 67-mile routes will leave Fort Sill thru the Twin Gates onto HWY 115 and then head north into the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge, then back past Mount Scott, by the charming cobblestone town of Medicine Park before re-entering Fort Sill at the LETRA gate. This gate is normally closed and only cyclists with a rider number will be able pass through that gate.
The Friends of the Trail are very appreciative of Fort Sill leadership providing the necessary security to provide special event access to these routes for our riders. Within the Lawton Fort Sill community, cooperation is truly an action word!
We will have SAG support, but before trying to conquer all of the Wichita Mountains, please choose your ride responsibly. Be mindful of the distance and your endurance in the hot June temperatures.
We want everyone back to the finish line before 2 p.m. the day of the ride to enjoy the fellowship and snacks at the end of the ride.
We look forward to seeing you!
TOW 2024 Flyer 2024 Tour of the Wichitas Set for Saturday, June 15
2024 Tour of the Wichitas Set for Saturday, June 15
Location: Fort Sill MWR Patriot Club, Lawton, OK 73503
Event Website: | Facebook page
Registration info: Online registration
Contact Info: or 580-591-2545
Find more information about other rides on our mainpage