The Wheel A’ Mena Ride page, provides you with the official registration information, ride distances etc.
Date: October 12, 2024
Event: Wheel A’ Mena Ride
Route Distances: 30, 50, and 70 miles
About the Ride:
Check-in and packet pickup can be completed on-site at Janssen Park, Mena, AR (at the historic log cabin).
If you are checking-in and registering on Saturday, October 12th from 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM:
Please park at 811 Port Arthur Ave, Mena, AR 71953 and walk/ride into the park. The park will be closed to vehicles for rider safety. For more details and a map for check-in, please visit our website at
If you are checking-in or registering on Friday, October 11th from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM:
Janssen Park will be open. You will find the main entrance at the corner of 7th St and Maple Avenue. Please remember that on Saturday morning, you will need to park at the First Baptist Church. For more details and a map for check-in, please visit our website at and scroll down to the last section.
Check out for more information about the upcoming bike trails to our area!
Location: Janssen Park, Mena — AR 71953
Event Website: | Facebook page
Registration details: Online registration
Contact info: Crystal Liles | or 479-234-2525
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