Emmitt Smith Gran Fondo

The Emmitt Smith Gran Fondo page, provides you with the official registration information, ride distances etc. and if you scroll down a bit, videos, interviews and ride reports for this event. If you don’t see a ride report and you participated in the event in the past, feel free to type something up and we’ll add it here!


Date: September 12, 2020

Event: 10th Annual Emmitt Smith Gran Fondo

Route Distances: Gran Fondo//94-mile, Medio Fondo//58-mile, Piccolo Fondo//41-mile, Ride 22//22-mile and Family Fondo.

About the Ride:

2020 Emmitt Smith Gran Fondo will be on September 14th at Southfork. Registration and launch will happen on September 12.

Location: Southfork Ranch,

Event Website: www.emmittsmithgranfondo.com

Registration Info: Coming soon

Contact info: RaceDirector@ejsmithenterprises.com

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